Join artist Rose DeSiano at her “Monument Makers Station” and be a part of creating new monuments in New York City. Collaborate with DeSiano as she works with photography and sculpture to artistically commemorate what the community values in our Prospect Park and the sounding communities.
She will be onsite collecting photographs from visitors of people, places, and events that they want to see celebrated in the landscape of their park.
In return, Rose will be connecting visitors to the incredible photographs of Prospect Park Alliance and NYC Parks Dept. archives through their online database, bringing to the surface images of the park’s past. This collaboration will influence the final design of her new large public monument “Lenticular Histories” to be unveiled in November 2021.
DeSiano has spent the last 10 years helping re-write the inaccurate histories recorded in both monuments and photographic archives.
The artist will also be accepting submissions to the ongoing “Unsung Heroines- Absent Monument” series. Reframing her ongoing public sculpture series Absent Monuments, DeSiano has created an interactive web space that invites viewers to create their own monuments dedicated to under-appreciated and unsung women, selected by you! Each monument is created digitally from archived portraits, 3D modeling and installed in the landscapes of google map street views. The final monument will be added to a new collection that works to correct the bias in our monuments.
Funded by City Artist Corps Grant and supported by Photoville, Prospect Park Alliance and, NYC Cultural Affairs.
Design your virtual monument now online:

Sponsored by #CityArtistCorpsGrant, Photoville, Prospect Park Alliance and, NYC Cultural Affairs.